My Heritage Garden

When Todd and I bought our house in 2016, it had one very important feature…a very big yard. The almost quarter acre lot had a big raised bed and a few old plants, but overall was a blank slate.

I love old fashioned plants and of course anything that has been passed down or has a story. A big, empty yard is a perfect place for collecting! I think all gardens are a work in progress and this one is no different. My goals are to add privacy, character, and a ton of blooming heirlooms.

My first and most treasured “Heritage Plants” are a handful of Iris given to me by close friends and family. To get the idea of what a heritage plant means: one set of iris growing in my yard were given to me by Todd’s great-aunt, Janet. The iris have been blooming at her home for over 30 years. They are from splits originally planted at her mother’s (Todd’s great-grandmother) home in Madison. My first blooming heirlooms are lilies of the valley that grew at my great-grandmother’s, grand-mother’s, and my mom’s home, before being passed down to me. Generations of family history and some beautiful blooms.

My plan for the “Heritage Garden” is to add and curate as many family plants as possible, including plants and stories related to more than just my family. I also hope to plant my annual vegetable garden full of heirloom veggies in some great varieties. On this page, I will post the best photos of the garden as it evolves!

You can also check out my obsession with Iris on my page dedicated to just that!